I managed to squeeze in a couple of trips away this summer including a visit back to The Chatox and a trip to Nice with my old friend who in fact appeared on one of my very first posts, Miss Zoe Green who now has her very on blog. We rented a great little apartment in Nice for the duration of our trip, found on airbnb's website (SEE HERE) I hugely recommend staying there. While in Nice our top priority was worshipping some sun and seeing some sights. We got really lucky with the weather, it was super sunny but not too hot and sticky. Our trip to Monaco with a picnic was my favourite day, its a beautiful and incredibly rich part of the world. TRES CHIC! My favourite evening was spent at the Nice Jazz festival it was a spontaneous decision to go and Metronomy were playing.
//WHAT I WORE: Top (Topshop), Shorts (Riverisland), Hat (Urban Outfitters) Sandals (Primark) Necklace (primark) Bag (urban Outfitters)\\

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